Sunday 13 November 2016

Synergistic Marketing Research

'What have you learnt from your audience feedback?'


Audience feedback is essential for a successful product. It is important because it allows me to find out whether the product was as I predicted or it was different. By gathering data, I can find out about my audience for this particular film and this information could be used for future similar products as target audience to predict the success of the future product. Not to mention, using the audience feedback gives the product more opportunities to improve and become more appealing to the fans. There are various methods to obtain audience feedback. These include:
  •  'One on One' Interviews: collecting a large amount of data using interviews costs more money and time, however the feedback is more detailed resulting in a more open ended response. 
  • Comments: As we live in the modern age of the Internet, trailers can obtain a lot of feedback from the comment section on popular video platforms such as 'YouTube' and 'Facebook'. Not to mention, using a video platform can reach a lot of audience increasing the profit of the product as the clips can generate millions of views. Additionally, uploading a clip on youtube advertises the product and the producer could receive additional money for adds placed before the video from the social network.
  • Questionnaires: Internet surveys are a popular tool to evaluate a product. Many organizations obtain a large about of audience feedback. The reason why internet questionnaires are popular is because the data is automatically shown after a person fills out the questionnaire. Moreover, producing an internet questionnaire is easy to make, cheap and/or free resulting in no money or time wasted. Online tests, for example, are useful because the audience are anonymous which means they are more likely give an honest answer.
  • Test Screenings: The majority of produced film products 'test screen' before making their film available for the majority of the public. This means that a preview of the film is shown to a selection of people to record their reactions and feedback. The feedback is then analysed and edited according to the suggestions/complaints. However, test screenings sample a small amount of audience meaning that more than one platform of feedback is needed to obtain accurate results. 
  • Questions & Answers: These usually apply in film conventions and film festivals, a place where people with the same interest of films gather. The viewers could ask questions and obtain answers from the producers in these particular places.

I created an online questionnaire made up from 10 distinct questions in order to gather information for my trailer using a well known website called the 'SurveyMonkey'. The reason being is because it is free easy to spread around through social media, gather a larger amount of people and gathers information through graphs instantaneously. The answers are more likely going to turn out honest because the questionnaire reserves the anonymity of the person answering the questions.

Question 1: The majority of my audience is aged from 18 to 24 years old. This means that my prediction was not wrong as I thought that the majority of my audience will be young adults.
Question 2: 

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