Monday 28 November 2016

Research Into Institutions that Distribute Similar Products

I've used to research films that are similar to my genre distributed by New Line Cinema and Blumhouse. The Prezi shows samples of various films distributed by companies as well as research on the distributing companies themselves. 

Small Scale Companies Verses Mainstream - a list of distributing companies based on the market share
Universal Pictures

Universal Pictures is a distributing motion picture company that distributes theatrical and non theatrical filmed entertainment. It is known for distributing various Academy Award winning films throughout the years such as: King Kong, A Beautiful Mind and The Pianist. Even though one of these award winning films are similar to my genre, this distributing company features all kinds of genres that are professionally done and have a good budget. For my trailer, It would be difficult to get my film distributed by a mainstream company such as Universal Pictures. If it did, on the other hand, my trailer would be provided with a lot of exposure giving it a lot more audience than it would with a less known distributing company. I have used which is an official website to find out more about this well known and successful company. 

Ketchup Entertainment 
By comparing the charts of these two companies, Universal Pictures is clearly more successful with each film grossing  more than $214,000,000. On the other hand, "Ketchup Entertainment" which is barely known by most people received a maximum of $36,746 with most of its films gaining no gross at all since they only films since 2013. Other than Gross, Ketchup Entertainment features different genres ranging from Drama to Horror and Documentary. However, small distribution companies are a stepping hand for small budgeted films made by new producers. Companies such as Ketchup Entertainment will not bring any additional exposure apart from viewers of successful films that have been released by the distributing company. Since they are barely known,  less people will see it and less can be made, working with a small budget any profit that exceeds the "Break Even" is considered a success. 

Working with a low budget, I believe that it would be more realistic being distributed by a smaller and a less known distributing company. Therefore, my trailer will feature something more small scale rather than mainstream even though mainstream companies are more successful.  

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