Wednesday 9 November 2016

Magazines and Audience Appeal

There are various types of mediums to advertise a film besides a trailer. Using a bigger variety to advertise the film will  increase the audience and maximize the potential reach. There are different ways to advertise, for example, promoting the film through a poster or a magazine because audiences could have a preference  on what type of media they would more likely to use. For instance, a potential consumer could prefer reading a magazine to watching television or vice versa. Additionally, using different approaches to advertisement makes it easier to predict the 'wants' of potential target audience. For example, with magazines, it's possible to get information about the audience based on what type of audience bought the magazine and it's also possible to find out the location the magazines were bought in. 

Additionally, advertising using other methods provides different opportunities, advantages and disadvantages. In magazines, the film producers can express themselves by featuring beautiful visuals of scenes in the movie (cinematography) or and feature key characters that will play a large role in the film, the key characters are also effective to gain a larger audience since a lot of experienced actors have a big ban base, therefore their appearance in the film will bring more customers. Not to mention, advertisements of films come with detailed 'articles' further explaining the assets of the production and the film itself. Sometimes, there are interviews based on the film being featured giving 'exclusive' information a trailer wouldn't mention. I will explain how the magazines below could appeal to their audiences. 

The double spread on the left is a magazine from "Empire" a well known and one of the most popular film magazines. The double spread features "Star Trek" which can clearly be seen by looking at the iconic characters that appear in the film. The image is mainly placed on the left page and ends in the middle of the right page. The remaining space is filled with two columns of text and a title "Star Trek Into Darkness". The colour palette of the photograph is mainly blue, therefore the text on the image is at a similar colour in order to match with the overall colour palette. The text on the right briefly explains and talks about the relevant topic which is Star Trek in detail. This type of information would not be available on a trailer because a trailer needs to be roughly three minutes long, therefore producing a magazine is useful for additional information. Not to mention producing this double spread most likely took less time, money and effort than the trailer itself, yet it provides a lot of audience.   
The second double spread of a film called "The Hobbit" located in a magazine called "Total Film". Another extremely popular film magazine. This time, the magazine is placed on the top part almost spreading through the whole two pages leaving space for 1 column on the right hand side. Mostly, the text appears on the bottom of the magazine page (on both sides). The main image is a shot which shows good cinematography and colours (mostly vibrant warm tones). It also shown the main character surrounded by other characters that have an important role in the film. Additionally, on the bottom right, another extremely well known character "Gandalf" is shown. Showcasing characters that play part in the film will bring in the audience since they are well known. The main colour palette of this double spread is brown which matches well with the main image. Since this particular  brown is technically a desaturated red, the green book pops out and looks a lot more noticeable. The text itself is a detailed explanation of misconceptions and facts of the film. For example on page  72, it states that "The Hobbit" wasn't produced or aimed at children. 

Overall, double spreads are not only used for advertising but also for a clear description and an honest 'review' of the film without ruining the plot for a potential viewer. Using this as another platform to advertise gets film producers a lot more audience; particularly audience that like films since they are buying a film magazine. This means that it is easier to obtain general knowledge of potential consumers which provides a larger fan base for the film. 

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