Wednesday 5 October 2016

Primary Audience Research - Questionnaire

Overall, my target audience are males and females over the age of 18. They are fans of psychological thrillers because of the unknown aspect to the genre and the subject matter that an average person wouldn't experience.

Objective: to be able to survey at least 6 people of both genders in order to adapt my product that fits the demand.

Primary Research - Target Audience Survey

Please circle or write down the answer
Q1: What is your age?


Q2: What is your gender?


Q3: What is your favorite genre to watch?

[ ]  Horror
[ ] Romance    
[ ]  Thriller
[ ]  Comedy
[ ]  Mystery
[ ]  Drama
[ ]  Action
[ ] Crime      
[ ] Sci-Fi      
[ ] Western
Other   please specify  _________

Q4: What sub-genre of Thriller do you prefer?

[ ] Psychological
[ ] Conspiracy
[ ] Action
[ ] Supernatural
Other  please specify ________

Q5: In trailers, what captures your attention the most?

[ ] Sound effects
[ ] Narration/ Plot
[ ] Soundtrack/Music
[ ] Actors/Actresses
[ ] Special Effects
[ ] Dialogue
Other please specify ________

Q6: Do you have a favourite Psychological Thriller film?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

If answered yes, please write the name of the film 
If answered yes, please specify the reason for it being your favourite film 

Q7: Where do you mostly see film trailers?

[ ] Cinema
[ ] Social Media (Facebook, YouTube etc).
[ ] Television
[ ] Other  please specify ________

I will be collecting data through a website called 'Survey Monkey' as it is more convenient to get answers to my questions using the internet.

Survey Results: I've got 10 people to participate in this survey in both genders equally.

What I've learnt from my results:
The results stated that my audience love psychological thrillers our of every other thriller sub genres. Additionally, most of my audience is 18 with few aged 22 to 25. Meaning that I will have to make my trailer focusing on audience 18 or over. Many of my audience liked Black Swan, suggesting that I could research more about that trailer or film in order to link that into my own product  and appeal more to my audience. One person that participated in my questionnaire stated that they liked a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean  that  portrayed a character around fire (to show emotional distress). I  questioned females and males equally in this questionnaire because I believe that my film will have 50 to 51% of males watching the film due to my previous research into audience. Most of my audience see trailers in social media witch concludes two things, my audience like to spend time on the internet and advertising my trailer should be using social media because that is where most of my target audience are. Other genres the audience like are: Mystery, Drama and Horror. I will feature a mystery and horror element in my trailer by introducing a 'monster' character. 

(Character around fire scene)

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