Wednesday 26 October 2016

Teaser Posters V Theatrical Posters

Teaser posters more often than not, are simplified versions of Theatrical posters giving less information usually only including  release date, title, tag line or a simple 'coming soon' text. These types of posters are produced early during marketing stage, therefore not a lot of information can be provided. Teaser posters are useful for building an audience before the release date of the film and during early production stages. On the other hand, Theatrical posters will include a lot more because they are produced after some production stages. Therefore, things like the director names, cast names and even some hints that could take place in the film are featured on the second poster. I will be analyzing a Teaser and A Theatrical poster of one film called "The Dark Knight Rises" to understand the differences clearly.

 The first poster is a Teaser poster which can be clearly seen by its simplicity. It is quite recognizable that the drawing on the wall symbolizes a villain in the film and the protagonist. The dark circles and a red smiling mouth on the wall reminds the viewers of the "Joker" because his characteristics match with the drawing. Not to mention, the 'smile' is a silhouette of Batman's logo. This suggests that the film will be Batman fighting against the Joker. Additionally, there is a tag line at the top of the poster which asks viewers a question "Why so serious?" This is a popular catchphrase of the villain and is extremely recognizable by people who follow the comics and/or know Batman stories in general. The colour palette is overall, blue. Additionally, the title of the film is at the bottom in big capital letters and the date of the release is below the title. Other than those, the viewers receive no additional information about directors, exact release date or cast member names. However, due to an established (DC Publishing Company) franchise already, the viewers had  more than enough information about the film and it's content at the time because a lot of existing content from Batman or Joker was written either in the comics or shown on previous films.

The second poster is a Theatrical poster which looks a lot more professional than the first Teaser poster. This poster features the protagonist, which is batman and his logo in the background. The colour scheme is blue against orange which makes the poster stand out due to them being complimentary colours. The poster also has a tagline which is at the top of the image, it states "Welcome to a world without rules" which is also directed towards the audience. Additionally, cast member names are clearly shown below Batman with their surnames slightly bigger than their names. Moreover, the title of the film has the same font as the Teaser, but it also has special effects added to it which is again, the Batman logo. Lastly, the date of the film release is confirmed because it is stating the day and the month rather than the year unlike the Teaser poster. The poster is a lot more professional looking because the film needs to state that it's a high budget film to their audience, therefore they add a lot of special effects to the poster such as the building fire, clouds and flying scraps of metal to show destruction and a chaotic part of the film. The poster also has a high perspective to show batman from the bottom (which suggests that he is an important character because the audience 'look up' at him) and the building is seen in full length. 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Film posters - Positioning and Sizes

In this particular post, I will be investigating different methods of advertising film.  I will be focusing on the position of the posters, designs, layout and sizes. This will help me understand how it affects marketing and what format would be best to use for my own poster. I will be discussing advantages and disadvantages for various film adverts shown to the audience below:

Examples of Positioning:

Bus Stop
Temptation (2013) 
The poster features two images in one overlaid on top of each other. One of them is a lustful image (close up) of a woman wearing a lipstick biting her lips. The other image looks threatening because it shows a man with a dangerous weapon concealing his face.  The text states "Seduction is the devil's playground" and "Confessions of a Marriage Counselor" which are clues about the film's plot. There is a big font saying "In Theaters March 29" which makes it clear that it is a film.

The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey (2012) 
The film is featured on the front cover of a magazine called "Empire" which is a monthly magazine. Empires circulation is 145,117. The "Hobbit" and "Empire" are two of the largest texts in the magazine. The main image is also the film's protagonist followed by another well known character on the left hand side.

I've researched the audience of  this particular magazine using the yougov website (a market research company). I found out that the audience who read this magazine are around 25 to 39 years old and are mostly males. These audiences are mainly from London but their social grades are ABC1 which are of a higher status of employ-ability. Their other main magazine to read is "Total Film" which is another extremely well known film magazine.


The Expendables 3 (2014)

The poster features all of the characters cut out of the poster making it seem like they are actually real people sitting on the billboard, which captures a lot of attention. The title has the biggest font followed by the date of the release. The billboard seems to be quite simple yet easy to notice. It seems that the billboard is placed in the residential area where there are a lot of people judging by the building at the bottom of the photograph. This suggests that not only the cars could see it but pedestrians as well.

Example of Sizes:

Bus Posters
T-side posters are quite popular throughout England because they are used on a public transport. moving the poster across various locations providing a lot of viewers from pedestrians, car drivers and bus passengers themselves. The poster size is relatively large and can be read easily from a small distance (such as the other side of the street). Not to mention, London buses specifically, are quite famous for being red and large making them quite eye -catching for tourists in particular.

Quad Film Posters

Quad film posters are relatively of an average size which is 30 by 40 inches, or 762 by 1020 mm.

One Sheet Posters

These are also quite average and most recognizable, UK average sizes are 27 by 40 inches, or 686 x 1020 mm. 

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Film Posters - Purpose and Effect

There are various purposes for poster, the poster encourages people to look at the trailer and informs them about the film's existence. A good poster is placed in a good location based on where the target audience would most likely be, the poster also needs to be eye-catching ,therefore many posters (especially Action movie posters) use orange and blue contrasting colors in order to 'pop out'. In this post, I will be investigating how certain aspects of the posters were used to appeal to the audience.

Film Posters

Iconography- The visual codes often associated with a particular genre.
Engima Codes- A narrative code that creates intrigue .
Action Codes- A narrative code that suggests what might happen in the film's story.
Key Image- The main image that often suggests the narrative films.
Language and mode of address- The was in which the text speaks to its reader, often persuasive and direct or inclusive.
Tag line- The film's slogan which is memorable.
Star names- These draw audiences to a film and are often linked to certain roles.
Typography- The particular style of font, used as a form of branding.

I will be using various ways in order to attract my target audience to watch my film, for example: I will feature a slogan of the film somewhere in the poster or in the trailer in order to make it more memorable and eye catching. I will also be following the Enigma code as I believe that 'Mystery' suits psychological thrillers better than action. I will be analyzing three posters to know better about design decisions and how it impacts the audience. Film companies have to use various methods in order to achieve an appeal and build up the target audience. These methods can be summarized into four categories which are; layout and design/technical codes, familiarity and novelty, language and mode of address and finally, cast of films such as stars and celebrities.

Secondary Audience Research

What is Target Audience?

Demographic Factors:
Age: This indicates the appropriate content, for example, people under 18 cannot see some types of content because they are not classified as adults yet.
Gender: Different genders are usually drawn to different content and themes. For example, romance films are usually focused on female audience whereas action films are focused on male audience.
Sexual Orientation: viewers attitude towards different sexual orientation differs between person to person.
Family life cycle: emotional and intellectual stages the person goes through as a family member affects the preference to films and film genres.
Race: Particular races are drawn to different genres. Judging by ( Asians like Romance and Drama rather than Action.
Level of Income: The income affects the likelihood of spending money on entertainment purposes such as a film. High income = more spending on entertainment.
Education: People who like problem solving and mathematics could be drawn to problem solving film genres.
Religion:  A person's religion may affect their beliefs and moral values.
Nationality: culture varies on the place the person was born.

Psychographic Factors: The personality including beliefs, interests and attitudes towards certain subjects.
Geographic Factors: The nationality of the audience (place of birth) such as a city, country etc.

Considering the audience for a product is quite important in order to predict how appealing it would be to the consumers. However, assuming their needs and wants isn't always effective, it is important to have a general knowledge of the consumers by making a questionnaire and doing research. Knowing the target audience reduces the risk of failure, this means that it is possible to build a fan base before releasing the product which provides a rough knowledge of potential profit. Therefore, films have trailers as a way to advertise and build a fan base which benefits the production company.

Psychological thrillers - Comparable profiles
I decided to research some new release psychological thriller movies, to get a more up to date collection of results. I have used to collect some demographic facts of audiences from these particular movies. 

Film 1: Split (2017)
 The film will be released on the 20th of January in 2017. The film doesn't have an age rating yet but I assume it will be rated 15 or above due to violence and according to the results in the comparable profile from a previous film called 'Nightcrawler'. The table states that the majority of the audience will be males which could be due to genre and this particular story that has a slight 'horror' feel to it. It appears that the protagonist is a male due to the title of the film 'Split', it relates to his split personality disorder. The audience seem to be mostly in the middle and lower social classes.In the trailer, the characters seem to be in the middle class just like the predicted audience. Moreover, the film will have more 45+ audience than 35-44 by 2%, as the film also appeals to older audience as it is quite serious in some sense and features a well known actor. Overall, the reason why this film appeals to younger audience is because the audience are most likely thrill seeking.

There was no information on the 'Nightcrawler' comparable profile, therefore I've decided to use a comparable profile for a film called "Don't Breathe" released in 9th of September 2016. The comparable profile for "Don't Breathe" (Horror/Thriller) is using the results gained from a film called "House at the End of the Street". The film is expected to have more female audience rather than male audience (57% female). The class is distributed mainly around middle to higher class and the age range is mainly people aged 15 or more (51%) followed by audience aged 25 to 34 (24%). The main characters are teenagers, therefore the film should mostly appeal to young audience as it's more relatable. Additionally, the disturbing story line is more appealing to the younger generation than older generation due to the thrilling mood it gives to the audience. Jane Levy is on the film poster, and acts as a main character which could explain why females are more likely to watch the film - because the main character is a female, therefore is more relatable.

After finding out that "Don't Breathe" used "House at the End of the Street", I've decided to look at the comparable profile of that movie (which is also a horror and a thriller). "House at the End of the Street" used audience results from a horror films called "The Grudge 2". The results state that the audience were equally males as well as females (50% each). The classes were distributed almost equally, with C1 and C2 being the main classes. However, this comparable profile also has the majority of people aged 15 + as their main audience (58% were aged 15 to 24). The film's cast is Jennifer Lawrence, a well known actress. However, her being a female impacted the percentage of audience's gender (57% females watched the film) compared to the predicted 50% from "The Grudge 2" comparable profile.

Evidently, "The Grudge 2" predicted it's audience from their previously made film "The Grudge". However, there were more males watching the film rather than females (by 1%). Therefore, the gender was almost equal. "The Grudge 2" predicted their audience incredibly well because their film is based on a previous film which makes it easier for them to get a fan base and know about their audience. The class is also mainly C1, followed by DE suggesting that people in lower class were likely watch the film. On the other hand films with a big budget usually attract richer audience due to quality and the more expensive price.

The grudge conducted it's audience based on a film called "28 Days". Once again, the majority of the audience are male and the age varies mainly from 15 to 34 years old. Overall, comparable profiles are useful for predicting audience because it is mainly similar meaning that it's easier to get the idea of potential audience for the product. Knowing my audience, I could alter my product based on their needs or find out where it would be appropriate to place the advertisement.

How will this research affect my ideas? 
Researching the comparable profiles for target audiences of various films helped me understand what my own target audience will most likely be based on the comparable profile results and the questionnaire I produced. Additionally, even though a lot of films are for both genres equally, the films I've researched mostly have males as their target audience, therefore I concluded that the percentage of males will be slightly bigger than the percentage of females in my trailer. I will assume that I will have 51% of males and 49% of females watching the film.

I predicted my 'typical' target audience by going on a website called:
I analysed the audience of 3 films of my genre (American Psycho, Jacob's Ladder and Black Swan) to predict my target audience and their personalities.

For "Black Swan", the audience are mainly female because the main character is a female. It's plot revolves around ballerina dancing which is considered a girly sport. The main target audience also appears to be mostly young adults because this type of film is a psychological thriller and therefore is not considered for children due to its 'hard to understand' nature. The target audience appear intelligent because of the activities they are most likely to do which is reading a non-fiction book.

Jacob's Ladder target audience mainly consists of males who are more mature in terms of age. The protagonist is also a male and the main character is an adult. Therefore, the viewers relate more to the film. Moreover, the audience are older because this film is also a Psychological Thriller meaning that you need to be an adult to understand the plot correctly. 
American Psycho's target audience are young adults and are mainly males. However, the gender is male unlike female in 'Black Swan'. The protagonist is a male and the plot consists of a wealthy business man having psychotic thoughts. This film is considered manly due to their careers, the film involves business suits and mistresses. The film also features music tapes which could appeal this group of audience because they are generally interested in music.  

Finally, I created a mood-board/collage in order to get a clear idea of my target audience. I concluded various things based on the comparable profiles and the yougov website. The majority of comparable profiles and yougov profiles were male, therefore I've decided that my trailer will be targeted slightly more towards males rather than females even though the protagonist will be a female. I also decided the age range based on the genre and comparable profiles (as the age range always starts from young adults). On the right side of the image, I've got an average male with objects my target audience might enjoy such as boxing and burritos. Two out of three yougov profiles stated that they like cats, which suggests that my audience will be more drawn towards cats rather than dogs. Additionally, two out of three yougov profiles were shown that they are from South East region of the UK in cities like Brighton, Canterbury and Southampton. Other films (other than Black Swan, Jacob's Ladder and American Psycho) my audience would like are: Memoirs of Geisha, Fight Club, Rosemary's Baby and American Beauty. 

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Primary Audience Research - Questionnaire

Overall, my target audience are males and females over the age of 18. They are fans of psychological thrillers because of the unknown aspect to the genre and the subject matter that an average person wouldn't experience.

Objective: to be able to survey at least 6 people of both genders in order to adapt my product that fits the demand.

Primary Research - Target Audience Survey

Please circle or write down the answer
Q1: What is your age?


Q2: What is your gender?


Q3: What is your favorite genre to watch?

[ ]  Horror
[ ] Romance    
[ ]  Thriller
[ ]  Comedy
[ ]  Mystery
[ ]  Drama
[ ]  Action
[ ] Crime      
[ ] Sci-Fi      
[ ] Western
Other   please specify  _________

Q4: What sub-genre of Thriller do you prefer?

[ ] Psychological
[ ] Conspiracy
[ ] Action
[ ] Supernatural
Other  please specify ________

Q5: In trailers, what captures your attention the most?

[ ] Sound effects
[ ] Narration/ Plot
[ ] Soundtrack/Music
[ ] Actors/Actresses
[ ] Special Effects
[ ] Dialogue
Other please specify ________

Q6: Do you have a favourite Psychological Thriller film?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

If answered yes, please write the name of the film 
If answered yes, please specify the reason for it being your favourite film 

Q7: Where do you mostly see film trailers?

[ ] Cinema
[ ] Social Media (Facebook, YouTube etc).
[ ] Television
[ ] Other  please specify ________

I will be collecting data through a website called 'Survey Monkey' as it is more convenient to get answers to my questions using the internet.

Survey Results: I've got 10 people to participate in this survey in both genders equally.

What I've learnt from my results:
The results stated that my audience love psychological thrillers our of every other thriller sub genres. Additionally, most of my audience is 18 with few aged 22 to 25. Meaning that I will have to make my trailer focusing on audience 18 or over. Many of my audience liked Black Swan, suggesting that I could research more about that trailer or film in order to link that into my own product  and appeal more to my audience. One person that participated in my questionnaire stated that they liked a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean  that  portrayed a character around fire (to show emotional distress). I  questioned females and males equally in this questionnaire because I believe that my film will have 50 to 51% of males watching the film due to my previous research into audience. Most of my audience see trailers in social media witch concludes two things, my audience like to spend time on the internet and advertising my trailer should be using social media because that is where most of my target audience are. Other genres the audience like are: Mystery, Drama and Horror. I will feature a mystery and horror element in my trailer by introducing a 'monster' character. 

(Character around fire scene)