Thursday 6 April 2017

Question 4

'How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?'

Research and Planning

Additionally, I've used "Haiku Deck" to present my Audience Demograph.



For displaying my Evaluation Questions, I used various tools such as Prezi, HaikuDeck, Slideshare (PowerPoint), screenshots and GIFS showcased directly onto blogger.  Blogger is extremely easy to use and is completely free giving me the freedom to edit the layout making it more visually appealing. It also allows me to 'embed' presentations, implement images and even videos from YouTube. I have used GIFS to show the process visually, making it easier to understand what I am trying to explain as an example from the trailer. The GIFS were produced by extracting some clips from the Vlogs and the trailer onto a free GIF making website.

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